Someone asked this week, 'What is revelation?’
As I thought about it, I came to the realization that many think that revelation is biblical insight and wisdom. They think it is a deep understanding of the Word of God. And, it is – in part. However, it goes further than just knowledge.
Revelation is relationship...
It is a tangible result of us pursuing God through prayer, study of the Bible and thoughtful meditation on how to apply His Word to our lives.
We all have close friends or family - those few special people who we know more about than any of their casual acquaintances could ever know – because we actually spend time with them. We have stood beside them through good times and bad. We have experienced with them, happy moments and sad. We have seen them at their worst, and they us. Yet the relationship remains. In fact, the relationships - in many cases - have grown stronger. Well, that’s how it is with God.
Revelation is a reward of intimacy where God reveals ‘secrets’ about Himself that can only be obtained by time spent with Him.
There will always be opportunities to marvel at the amount of revelation that a pastor or evangelist may possess. However, it is so important that we realize that God desires for everyone to know Him that way.
He says in Isaiah 45:3, 'I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness— secret riches. I will do this so you may know that I am the Lord…’
He goes on to say in Isaiah 52:6, 'I will reveal My name to My people, and they will come to know its power. Then at last they will recognize that I am the one who speaks to them.’
At times He will use people to covey hidden truths about Himself and His Word. However, He desires a close and personal relationship with each one of us – a friendship - where He can reveal Himself fully and directly. And while there are times when He reserves intimate secrets or revelation about Himself, He promises to make those secrets known to those who will diligently seek Him.
He will share apects of His character and His desires - He will give us His heart.
Most of us have had earthly relationships, where we wanted to get to know someone better. We took time to find out what they liked and disliked. We went to people who knew them well to gain insight. But, most importantly, we spent time with them. We let them know how much they meant to us, that they were a priority in our lives and worth the investment of time and self. And the reward was a closer relationship.
That’s the way it is with God. He grants us earthly relationships so that we can understand divine concepts. He draws us into holy fellowship so that we can know Him and make Him known to others. How sweet is that!
‘When you come looking for Me, you'll find Me. Yes, when you get serious about finding Me and want it more than anything else, I'll make sure you won't be disappointed.’ Jeremiah 29:13 MSG
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