13 January 2019

You're not yourself ...

Good Evening Friends!

Happy Sunday… what is left of it. Needless to say, my hope was to have this post completed and ready for publication before now. However, today has been a busy day. And, the weather is not helping. It has been raining all day and it is quite cold [to me anyway]. Don’t get me wrong … I am thankful that it is not snow. But it has been a dreary day just the same.

It has had me thinking about my MinPin who passed away last summer. He was such a good boy … but he hated days like this! I would try to coax him out of his blanket to get him to go outside and he would stubbornly refuse. If I would push too hard, he would actually start his low, slow growl – gently letting me know that I was getting on his nerves. His growls I could take. It was even a little laughable being that he was twelve inches tall and all of ten pounds. However, there were other times, like the time he got something stuck in his paw, that his animal instincts took over and he actually snipped at me. He would immediately feel bad after I would let out a yell letting him know his bite – however little – still packed a punch and it still hurt. His intention was not to hurt me. So what would make my sweet little dog act outside of his normal character?



But what does this have to do with us?
Yesterday I shared a post about being willing to stay in the fire until someone else can see Jesus.

Yet, what do you do when those you must stay in the flames for are the same who pushed you in [or stoked who the fire while you were going through]?

You take a moment to remind yourself that people are not themselves when they are broken or hurting. Remind yourself that pain can make people act in ways that might be completely contrary to your preference and completely contrary to their nature in normal circumstances. Take time to remember times when you have been hurt or broken; times when you have uttered a harsh or impatient word or acted in a manner outside your normal character.

You stick with the task at hand, follow the lead of the faithful individuals that walked before us and continue your trek through the flames until someone [or multiple some ones] are able to see Jesus for themselves, are able to receive salvation for themselves, are able to receive comfort for themselves, are able to walk in newness of life for themselves.

Remember – it is never solely about you.

This does not mean that you become a doormat for people – or that you subject yourself to repeated abusive treatment. You can continue to walk through the fire, forgive people and love them from a distance [if needed].

Job – he stayed the course that the LORD set him upon. He walked through his firestorm of trials and pain and suffering – and then he prayed for his friends and was reconciled to his siblings, neighbors and associates. [Job 42:10]

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego – they walked through literal flames long enough for their persecutors to see Jesus – and then they were promoted to a place of authority where they would be positioned to help some of those same people. [Daniel 3:19-30]

Understand that He has made us ministers of reconciliation. [2 Cor. 5:18-21]

Those who can be trusted with flame [a passion for the LORD & for the lost and the hurting] can likewise be trusted in the flames. However, your mission will promptly be aborted if you allow offense to take root, if you fail to understand that people are not themselves when they are broken, if you allow it to impact your commitment to the God-assignment on your life.

Understanding some of the ‘why’ which lays behind the ‘what’ [the reasons behind the actions of others] can go a long way in helping us to maintain focus and stay the course that the LORD has placed us on.

Again … a little perspective helps make any challenge a little more bearable.
Praying the rest of your evening is restful and that your week is purpose-filled.

Have a Blessed Evening!   

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