‘Eventually the brook dried up because of the drought. Then GOD spoke to him: "Get up and go to Zarephath … I've instructed a woman who lives there … to feed you. So he got up and went … [And] As he came to the entrance of the village he met a woman, a widow …. Elijah said to her, "Don't worry about a thing… And it turned out as he said—daily food for her and her family. The jar of meal didn't run out and the bottle of oil didn't become empty: GOD's promise fulfilled to the letter, exactly as Elijah had delivered it! I Kings 17:8-16 MSG
Many are familiar with the story of Elijah and the widow. Elijah spoke and commanded a drought in the land and the people were in great need for many years.
Yet, “A long time passed. Then GOD's word came to Elijah. The drought was now in its third year. The message: "Go and present yourself … I'm about to make it rain on the country." (I Kings 18:1 MSG)
As I near the three-year anniversary of my position elimination, coupled with the economic adversity present in the United States right now – this story has taken on an entirely new meaning to me. It has become an intimate, personal account and not just another Bible story. It is easy for me to insert myself right into the middle of this narrative and imagine what the Old Testament headlines would have read if it was my story:
Nee D. Facts
Zarephath Examiner
Unemployment rates stay at record highs, one in every 400 families received a foreclosure notice last month and many more actually lost their homes. These are some of the most challenging times our nation has seen and many are wondering how they will make it through.
Today I will share highlights of just one story from the countless number of individuals who have been impacted by current events. Recently, I interviewed Zenobia Wise, a single-mother of three who has miraculously endured three years of unemployment during the worst economic-drought our nation has seen in some time. Here’s what she had to say:
Nee D. Facts (NF): Thank you for agreeing to meet with me. As you know, our country is experiencing one of the worst times (economically, socially and atmospherically) that it has ever experienced. Many are concerned and have questions on how to make it through these tough times.
Zenobia Wise (ZW): Yes, it has been a challenging time for many. I’ve had close friends and family who have been impacted by the events.
NF: I understand that you have also experienced your own personal trials.
ZW: Yes, it has been tough but God has been faithful! I really can’t attribute the good things that have happened to anyone or anything else.
NF: Would you be willing to share some of the details with our readers?
ZW: Of course! Afterall the Word does say that we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (Rev. 12:11)
NF: So what is your testimony?
ZW: Well, I had some personal challenges that I’d been experiencing for some years: death of a marriage, financial challenges and the everyday complexities of being a single-mother of three sons. However, things really took a turn starting in November 2005. I had just come off of a 40-day fast (my second that year) and immediately I was thrust into a storm which really hasn’t stopped blowing to this day.
NF: So you’ve been experiencing challenges of one sort or another for five years?
ZW: Yes. It started with extreme illness in ’05 and carried over into the next couple of years. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, a thickened heart wall, a blood disorder which caused significant anemia; I had to have a skin biopsy, was diagnosed with an incurable virus and was undergoing evaluations for symptoms which appeared to point toward Lupus. This was coupled with challenges on the job that were taking place at the same time.
NF: That seems challenging enough but, wasn’t all that prior to our current economic troubles?
ZW: Yes it was but I think it is important for people to understand that it is not just what is happening in our economy today that is causing trouble for people but, there were situations leading up to it which compounds what people are currently experiencing.
For me, the most significant change came in August 2007. You see, a prophet came to our town and spoke a word to me. I was so excited because it addressed many of the troubles I had been facing and he went on to tell me that, ‘my world would look completely different by the end of the year than it did at that moment.’
NF: Wow! That does sound exciting. What happened next?
ZW: Well, everything went crazy. My work issues intensified, my health issues kept flaring up and eventually I received notice (September ’07) that my position (along with several others) was being eliminated.
NF: That must have been very difficult. What did you think of that prophet then?
ZW: Well, there was only one thing I could think … boy did he call that one right! I realized that a prophecy doesn’t always mean what you think it means. But I believe the LORD and His prophets just like the Bible tells me to in II Chronicles 20:20.
NF: Now you’ve told us what the prophet said, but what did the LORD say?
ZW: Well, the prophet spoke what the LORD had instructed him to tell me. But the LORD spoke to me directly as well. He told me I would be losing my job before the announcement ever came from the company. He advised me not to take the alternate position they were going to offer (although they told me I could keep my base salary) and He told me to trust Him – that I would see His faithfulness. He also had me to start giving away thousands of dollars.
NF: That would seem an imprudent thing for single-mom to do. We had a widow in Zarephath who had a prophet visit her, telling her that God wanted her to give an offering. But, that questionable judgment aside, I have to ask, ‘Have you seen His faithfulness?
ZW: Have I ever! He has kept me and my children sheltered (in our own home), well fed, in health and growing in faith. It has been amazing – challenging but amazing! And, as an aside, it has been my experience that God is never trying to take from you when He asks you to give - it is usually to position you to receive something greater.
NF: That is amazing. Now you say He has kept you in your home? How is that possible since you have not worked during these challenging times?
ZW: I can’t explain it really. Only His favor and grace have kept us. I have two mortgages on this house but He has kept us right here – while many have unfortunately lost their homes. My heart breaks for them and I think I am particularly sensitive because, by all natural standards, that should be me.
NF: Why do you think it hasn’t happened to you?
ZW: I can’t say. All I know is that I do not serve a natural God – I serve a supernatural God and it has been an entirely supernatural situation. However, I would be lying if I said it was not particularly troubling to me when I see people who serve the same God I serve and I see their trials unfold before me in a different way than mine have. But, God is sovereign and He has a different and unique plan for each person.
NF: So you lost your job in 2007? What other challenges have you faced besides the financial concerns?
ZW: Well, with my health issues that I had, I was very concerned about not having insurance for myself. But, I was even more concerned about not having insurance for my kids. However, just before I was told my position would be eliminated, their dad called and said that it did not make sense for me to be paying for insurance for the boys when he had coverage through the military. He asked me to put them on his insurance – which was good because we’ve had some serious situations with the kids in the past three years – a major burn, a dangerous skin issue and severe scoliosis to name a few.
NF: Well that was a lucky break … the insurance, I mean, not the illnesses.
ZW: I don’t believe in luck. I know it was the hand of God working all things together for my good just like He promised in Romans 8:28.
NF: OK, so the kids were taken care of but what about you? You said you had all those health issues – how have you paid for the medical expenses without a job – or is the government paying for your care?
ZW: Thankfully, I haven’t had to go to the doctor once (even though I was seeing a couple of specialist each month before my job ended). Thank God He has brought healing to my body and kept me in health these years that I have been without insurance.
NF: So what have you been doing for three years?
ZW: Even though I have not had a job, I have been working. I couldn’t name everything but, I did start a bible-based support group for single-moms which I facilitated for two years; wrote a book which I believe will soon be published; of course I have been looking for work (and could not recall the vast number of applications I have submitted) and I started a blog which I use to provide words of encouragement and hope to those who might find themselves in situations similar to mine.
NF: And what would the primary message of encouragement be?
ZW: There is a God who is recession proof and a faith in Him that will not disappoint.
NF: Some would say, ‘that is too simple … it can’t be that simple.’
ZW: Well, I never said it was simple. These three years have been extremely challenging. There’s no greater pain than when you have to decide which of your children will get lunch money for the day and which will have to wait until they get home to eat. There were days when we sat in the dark, and it wasn’t because of a power outage. There were days when the cupboard was empty and I didn’t know where the next meal was coming from. But then God would send someone by with a gift card or some groceries. One time, when I committed to doing a vegetable-only fast, someone actually showed up with the specific foods I needed for the fast.
NF: Sounds like a very uncertain way to live.
ZW: Life is uncertain. But one thing is sure and it is the faithfulness of God. When things get really scary … I hear this inner voice which says, ‘Trust Me!’ That voice, and my coming into agreement with that command, has given me more peace than I’ve ever had.
NF: And how are your children holding up?
ZW: It has been difficult but we are all learning and growing. And they have seen God work in miraculous ways in their lives.
NF: You said you wrote a book?
ZW: Yes, it is titled ‘When Storms Rage – 21 Principles to Keep You Anchored Through Life’s Toughest Moments’
NF: I guess you know something about that?
ZW: Well, I just did what God asked me to do in writing the book. I simply shared from Bible examples and my own personal experiences. My prayer is that it will bless many people.
NF: What final thoughts would you like to leave with our readers?
ZW: There is hope. With man, situations may seem impossible – and may in fact be impossible – but, with GOD, ALL things are possible(Mt. 19:26). God promises that He will do exceedingly and abundantly above all we could ask or think, according to the power at work in us (Eph. 3:20). Well that power that is at work in the life of a Christian is the same power that raised Christ from the dead. There is hope in that. Because, if that power can raise the physically dead – it can certainly raise dying and dead finances, marriages, relationships and health concerns.
NF: Well thank you so much for meeting with us. Hopefully we can check back in with you in a few months to see how things are going.
ZW: Absolutely!
NF: We wish you the very best …
ZW: Likewise … God Bless!
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