'A mother is only as happy as her saddest child'
I thought about this quote today ...
Not because one of my children was hurting - although they each are facing their own challenging situations, as am I.
I was thinking of all my brothers and sisters, spiritual brothers and sisters, who are facing some of the most tremendous trials that they have ever experienced. I was thinking about the wonder of having someone else's pain touch your heart as if it were your own chest being crushed - how God has woven us together and truly made us one body.
The Word encourages us in Romans 12:15 to, 'Rejoice with those who rejoice and, weep with those who weep.'
Does this mean that we are unable to celebrate joyous moments unless those around us are experiencing equally happy moments?
Of course it doesn't. But, it does mean that we should take the time to think about someone other than ourselves, pray for another's needs and not just our own, love our neighbors (caring about that which concerns them) even as we care for ourselves (Mark 12:30-31).
We are admonished in I Peter 5:7, to cast off concern, to take comfort in the fact that God cares for everything that concerns us and that He lovingly watching over us. Yet even Christ - who was with God in the beginning - and who knows the end of a matter - wept alongside His friends in John 11:35.
Father, I pray for all my friends and for those I've not yet had the privilege to call friends. When they hurt, I hurt.
Bless them indeed, LORD. Cause Your face to shine upon every person - those who are desperately reaching out to you with tearful prayers - and those who are so weary from crying that they cannot find the words to say.
We are comforted in knowing that in those times when we find ourselves speechless, Your Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf (Rom. 8:26), Jesus prays that our faith would not fail (Lk. 22:32) and You hear us before we call, formulating Your response before we've finished petitioning You (Is. 65:24). Thank You!
In the Matchless Name of Jesus I Pray ... Amen
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