'Día de los enamorados' ...
The day of love...
I am a hopeless romantic ...
Love everything about love ...
Absolutely adore Valentine's Day ...
Some say it is just another commercialized holiday but I don't care. I am not ashamed to say that I have taken in my share of romantic 'chick-flicks' this past weekend. And, while I know that real life rarely works out the way it does on screen, it is sweet just the same. I adore movies like 'Sabrina' and 'Pride & Prejudice' and 'West Side Story'. Yep, just call me a sentimental idealist when it comes to love. Which is somewhat ironic since I am such a staunch realist when it comes to everything else ... and despite the fact that I have not been on a single date in ten years.
There are lots of single people who abhor Valentine's Day and are very happy when it is all done. I however, have always made a big fuss over it. As a manager, I would decorate my entire department with heart balloons, placing a treat on everyone's desk and throwing a huge catered breakfast complete with games and prizes. As a parent, even though I have three sons, I would always fill the living room with heart balloons, make a special dinner and give gifts! I guess there's so much love inside that it just spills out. And it goes into over-drive during this time of year!

Love someone?
Let them know ...
Find creative ways to show it ...
And not just today but EVERYDAY!
'And so faith, hope, love abide [faith--conviction and belief respecting man's relation to God and divine things; hope--joyful and confident expectation of eternal salvation; love--true affection for God and man, growing out of God's love for and in us], these three; But the greatest of these is love.' I Corinthians 13:13 AMP
Have a Happy Valentine's Day!
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