19 July 2014

The People Who Know Their God ...

‘… but the people who know their God, shall display strength and take action.’ Daniel 11:32


It has been quite some time since I have taken time to write – with work, school, taking care of my mom, launching my book … and being sick on top of it all … it has been extremely challenging.

Yet, it is an absolutely beautiful day here in Virginia Beach, VA! The sun is shining, it is an unseasonable 74-degrees and there is a gentle breeze. I absolutely love it! I just finished taking my little dog for a walk and I could have stayed out there forever.

However, even as I walked in all that beauty, my thoughts fell on those who are not experiencing peace and bliss this morning, those who are wrought with fear over the condition of our world. It is perfectly understandable. Why just this week alone, the headlines have been littered with absolute nightmare situations:

  • 298 lives lost as a result of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 being shot down
  • A child predator beat unconscious by a father who found him sexually abusing his son
  • A rookie cop fatally shot in the head while responding to a report of an armed robbery
  • Typhoon Rammasun claims 77 lives in the Philippines

And that is but a handful of news stories. Therefore, it is understandable why so many are concerned. Yet, the concern, and frequently accompanying worry, are not inevitable – especially for the people of God.

‘The people who know their God shall display strength …’

It does not state that they shall display fear, worry, anxiety, confusion or hopelessness. No – it says they shall display strength: power, depth, fortitude, courage, resilience and GRIT. And, what is this display based upon? Is it rooted in self-assurance and self-reliance? No! Is it fueled by self-confidence and arrogance? Absolutely, Not!

It is only made possible because of an overwhelming confidence in the LORD God Almighty. It is not ruled by circumstances, however daunting and horrific they may be. It looks past what can be viewed with the natural eye and locks in on the images of God. It does not deny the reality of what is occurring all around, yet it is not consumed by it either.

You see, the people who know their God are fully convinced:
‘It is not by force nor by strength, but it is by the Spirit of the LORD’ Zech.4:6 YLT

They have heard the voice of God which declares:
‘You will succeed, not by military might or by your own strength, but by My Spirit.’ Zech.4:6 GNT

Make no mistake – we are living in perilous times, which seem to growing darker and darker. However, we have a hope – one which is not just for eternal salvation through Jesus Christ, but one which provides hope and strength for today.

In my newly published book When Storms Rage, I note:
“Storms [challenges of life] are indiscriminate, taking no account of race, upbringing, socio-economic standing or spiritual position. They simply come – to the young and old, rich and poor, wise and foolish. The rains descend, flood waters rise and winds blow and beat – testing our faith and growing us in our relationship with God”

In this life we will have trouble – but we may take heart for Christ has overcome the world

And we have this promise, like the children of Israel had all those years ago, which declares:
‘You … are My servant … My first choice … I pulled you in from all over the world, called you in from every dark corner of the earth, telling you, ‘You’re my servant, serving on My side. I’ve picked you. I haven’t dropped you.’ Don’t panic. I’m with you. There’s no need to fear for I’m your God. I’ll give you strength. I’ll help you. I’ll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you.’ Isaiah 41:10 MSG

If you know Him as your LORD, as your God and King –
     rest in the security of that relationship

If you do not know Him as LORD & Savior, your God and King –
     get to know Him

Despite the challenges of life, and even in the midst of the most trying of circumstances, there is a peace which passes all understanding and it facilitates uncommon strength and resolve. The people who know their God truly shall display strength and do mighty exploits.

Have a Blessed and Faith-Filled Day!