13 April 2010


It's Spring and I have started walking again. And, as always, the Lord presented me with another opportunity to learn (or re-learn) some valuable lessons.

Strolling through my neighborhood, passing each house, listening to my iPod - I came upon two ducks. The female was sitting in the middle of the road and her mate (I'm assuming it was her mate) was standing by watching her. Now, I am not sure if she was hurt or just decided to take a rest - but whatever the case, she chose what had to be the most terrible spot to take a break. Where she sat was right at the curve in the road and cars come speeding around all the time. It almost seemed like that male duck knew that was not a good place to stop.

Now, one might ask how I know it was a male and a female. Well, the females are light brown while the males are this grey/silver and black with the most beautiful green head, which offsets their yellow bill. This used to bother me, because I always wondered why God made the female duck so bland. Then one day, God showed me that they have a beautiful little secret tucked under their wings - a brilliantly, majestic band of iridescent purple feathers.

But, the difference between male and female ducks was not the important thing that day.

As I walked past these two - and it was early, about 5:50am - I found myself praying for that little duck. I asked God, 'please prompt her to move so that she won't get crushed by a car'. A car could come any moment. And as I looked back three or four times, I found myself saying a short (but urgent) prayer that this little duck would move out of the street before she got mortally wounded. I even found myself thinking about that male duck, wondering why he was just standing there. For some reason, it made me think about Adam ... standing by while his mate (Eve) stood in the way of danger in the Garden of Eden.

It was then that I felt a press upon my spirit:
'Are we not much more valuable to Him than the birds of the air?'

Here I was so concerned about this duck...
Then, I had to stop and think about whether I had prayed for the strangers on the street, my neighbors, my friends, my family with such fervency.

Now, there is nothing wrong with loving animals or caring for them. God cares for them and provides for their needs. However, I had to check my priorities that morning.

Did I recognize that those who do not know Him live in a state of mortal danger just like that duck? Did I empathize with the fact that many of them are wearied with the pressures of life, laying down wherever they can to get a moment's rest - even in the middle of harsh, dangerous, frantic roads.

Did I truly comprehend that many do not even realize the danger that awaits them? Was I as sensitive as I needed to be to the fact that their eternity could change in an instant with one fatal illness, one devastating car crash, a catastrophic natural disaster, an accident or assault - that they could step out of this earthly realm and into an eternity of condemnation?

I had to ask if I was truly focused on the things that mattered most to God. Were the most critical items on my agenda the same as His? Were the request at the top of my prayer list the issues of life that were most important to Him.

Lately, the whole earth has been shaking - they even registered a small earthquake in Virginia this week. And because many have heard for years that Jesus is coming soon, it has become a trite expression which often falls on deaf ears. However, if any should take it seriously, it should be His people. And we should realize that He left us with one responsibility: to got into all the earth and make disciples - sharing the gospel, aiding those in need by helping them discover and receive the free gift of salvation and then equipping them to live a life that pleases God.

You see, 'The Lord is not really being slow about His promise, as some people think. No, He is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent (II Peter 3:9 NLT).'

He is not willing that any should perish.

And, if I care about what He cares about, I must possess His same heart . I must be diligent at all times - recognizing that if I am not, there is the potential for me to consider passersby as common (like that female duck). Yet God sees something different. He sees one uniquely made, with hidden treasure, beauty and purpose. And He cares for them - even more than He cares for the birds of the air. Therefore, I am committed to check myself daily, to ensure that the number one responsibility remains the #1 priority.

How about you?

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