25 November 2021

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

It has been quite a while…

There are times when life will schedule unexpected breaks

You did not have them on your calendar or radar;

And they are not always welcome 

They may catch you completely  unprepared 

Yet, there is One who is never surprised - He is all knowing 

He already saw what was coming and prepared a way to endure it

‘Thus far the LORD has helped us…’ I Samuel 7:12

The people of Israel were concerned about an enemy coming against them. And, in that moment, Samuel reminded them, ‘Thus far the LORD has helped us.’

The implication was that the God who never changes - who is the same, yesterday, today and forevermore - He will not stop being who He is and doing what He does.

God is faithful…

And even in times of challenge, when we do not understand and/or cannot make out where He is or what He’s doing … He is still working.

In this season where culture schedules a break for ‘thankfulness’,

     Let us count our blessings and praise Him for His faithfulness.

I pray you are having a blessed Thanksgiving day…

God Bless!

‘Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at His work to this very day, and I, too, am working.” John 5:17