31 January 2019


Good Morning Friends

Happy Thursday!
Hard to believe we are at the end of January already.
The older I get, the faster the time seems to go
Nevertheless, I hope you are enjoying your week

I also pray you are enjoying our focus on LOVE

It has been great to spend some time focusing on the love of God. Now, we are certainly not done with this most important facet of love. However, today we will be focusing on a different type – STORGE (pronounced stor-JAY).

What is STORGE?
One online definition labels it as a: ‘familial love [which] refers to natural or instinctual affection, such as the love of a parent towards offspring and vice versa …; a wide-ranging force which can apply between family members, friends, pets and owners, companions or colleagues.’

Why is it important?
This type of love [storge] is actually not mentioned in the Bible in its root form. There is a compound usage [philostorgos] and the opposite form [astorgos] mentioned in the Bible twice [in the context of storge love being lacking and the effects on humanity]. And, it is not mentioned in the Old Testament at all. However, the concept of STORGE was present from the start. Yes, if we look back to the beginning of creation, we find that one of the first actions that God took after the creation was to create – A FAMILY

He decided it was not good for Adam to be alone and He gave him Eve, to be his wife.  What a precious gift they both received – to have an established network, an instant support system and, a place to call home – and not just in the sense of a residence. Have you ever been in the presence of someone and it felt just like ‘home’? And it does not occur solely within biological families. Looking back to our definition, I can look at each of those areas and thank God that I have been blessed with friends, pets and colleagues who all became every bit as much family to me as my direct family members.

So why was it important to God?
I believe the focus on creating a unit where storge/family love could be present was important because that was the ultimate goal all along. The LORD desired for us to know the value of family, to experience the love within family, to be a part of His family.

This picture below is one my favorite pictures from travels with my children when they were younger - probably because it is a bunch of boys ... being boys. It is an image of them on the shoreline with their cousins. You would think they were all fast and furious friends, on yet another adventure. However, these were distant cousins whom they had only ever seen once before. It was during a trip to Panama. I had decided – long after my ex-husband and I had separated – to take my sons to go meet the other side of their family. I felt it was important – and it is a decision that I have never regretted.

I still remember the day we arrived for our vacation. There was a small ‘tribe’ at the airport to greet us [three van loads]! I recall my youngest, grabbing hold of my hand and asking with amazement, and possibly a bit of trepidation, ‘Are all those people here to meet us?’ Yes – I responded – THAT’S FAMILY!

NOW – I realize that not every family situation is filled with love and loving moments. However, family love was prototype before people and life situations got damaged by the effects of sin.
YET – It is still such a precious prize.

If you do not have this family love – realize that it is available in so many other relationships.
Although not his biological child, Timothy became so much like family to the Apostle Paul that Paul referred to him as ‘his own son’ (I Timothy 1:2). Likewise, David and Jonathan shared a closeness that surely superseded the closeness that either of them shared with their biological siblings; scripture noting ‘Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul’ (I Samuel 18:1). And then there is Ruth and Naomi; Ruth declaring her loyalty, ‘Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go … your people will be m people and your God, my God.’ [Ruth 1:16] This type of family love can be developed in many ways.

If you have this family love – cherish it, nourish it and fight for it. Reflect on the characteristics of love and employ them within the family, remembering, ‘Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.’ [I Cor. 13:4-7] It is this type of love, cultivated within a family – freely given and willingly accepted – which helps build the foundation for individuals to become loving people inside and outside of the family unit.

Praying You Have a Blessed Day!

Wishing You Much Love …

27 January 2019


Good Evening Friends!

I can’t believe it is Sunday evening already
The weekend goes entirely too fast for my liking.
Nevertheless, I have enjoyed my weekend. I hope you have enjoyed your as well.

I am also enjoying our focus on LOVE

I KNOW – I am not focusing on the types of love that are typically thought of at this time of year; that are typically associated with Valentine’s Day. However, it is important to delve into the differing types of love [starting with God’s love] because our perceptions of the love the LORD has for us serves as the foundation to how we display, pursue, receive and embrace all other kinds of love.

SADLY – in my discussions with others and in interacting with individuals online, there are many [far too many] who experience significant challenges in believing that God actually holds that amazing, unchanging & unconditional love which I spoke of yesterday. Understand, there are many who believe that He loves – and that He is love. However, there are countless others who – recognizing those characteristics as true – struggle in their belief that He loves them that way.

There are so many broken hearts which cry [internally & externally]:

If we can take a few moments to address the first – it will go a long way in addressing the second

Again, the perceptions of the love the LORD has for us serves as the foundation to how we display, pursue, receive and embrace all other kinds of love. And …

There are times when the pain we experience is so intense, it overrides what we know to be true.

While suffering violently on the cross, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eli Eli lama sabachthani?" which is, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" [Matthew 27:46] That moment – I believe – likely more than any other in Scripture, provides such a poignant depiction of His humanity. It shows Jesus responding very much the way we do when we endure cross-bearing challenges. Now, please understand, I am in NO WAY suggesting that anything any one of us has to endure is remotely on scale with what our Savior endured for us. However, the pattern of what can happen during a trial is what is significant.

Had God’s love for Jesus changed? No – absolutely not!
His circumstance was not the measure for whether God’s love was still present

Likewise – in your own life, in my life, in our collective lives, the presence of problems is not an accurate gauge of His love for us. The love of God does not change – but the perspective of God’s love can be severely impacted by the trauma of our individual situations. This is why we are tasked with walking by faith and not by sight. You cannot always trust what you hear, what you see or even what you feel.

In my book, When Storms Rage, I shared that, ‘…there are times when God will allow everything that we trust in to fail: finances, health, intellect and even feelings. And in doing so, He takes us to a place where we depend solely upon the truth of His Word. Yes we confess His promise that He will never leave us, but will we still believe it when we do not feel it, when we cannot see Him? This is faith – faith that is developed in the whirlwind of the storm.’

It is this faith which enables us to believe in the love God – despite the challenges
It is the fact that He is love and that His love for us is never-ending, which enables us to overcome & love others.

When we do not feel God’s love, it impacts our ability to receive His love; and it impacts our ability to give love to and receive love from others. It can leave us feeling unloved by all and cause significant relationship challenges. We will delve into this more in the next few days.

SOMETIMES – the only evidence you will have of His presence & His love is the fact that you are not being consumed by your situation.
HOWEVER – His love is still every bit as real and unchanging … FOR YOU!

Jeremiah 31:3 notes that, ‘The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.’ And here is the beautiful thing: He is unchanging. You can trust His Word as true, you can trust His love as true ... even when you cannot not see it or feel it.

Praying You Have a Blessed Evening!

Much Love ... 

26 January 2019


Good Morning Friends!

I pray your Saturday – and your weekend – is off to a great start
Me? I am taking the opportunity to relax at home this morning and think on this thing called: LOVE ... AGAPE LOVE 

What is and why start our three week love journey here?
Agape love is the highest form of love – IT IS A GODLY LOVE

And without it, none of the other types of love we will be discussing over the coming weeks is possible. IT IS A SELFLESS, SACRIFICIAL AND UNCONDITIONAL TYPE OF LOVE

The closest that I believe most humans are able to get to this type of love is the love a parent has for a child. Which is fitting – since it is a love that should reflect the love our Heavenly Father. Yet, even the love of parents fail. Turn on the news any day of the week and you will, unfortunately, hear some horrific tale of some heinous action of a parent who was filled with anything but love for their child.


It can be seen from the first chapter of Genesis to the last chapter of Revelation ...
and everywhere in between

Genesis 1: 26-28 chronicles our beginning: ‘Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness … So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them [and] v28 ‘God Blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase…”

He loved us so much that He made us in His image. And the first action on His heart after that, was an act which flowed out of His tremendous love for us:

Revelation 22:17 extends this invitation to all, ‘Let the one who is thirst come, and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.’
There are so many who are thirsty nowadays – thirsty for life, thirsty for love, thirsty for God

His love – that agape love – IT IS A NEVER ENDING LOVE
His love – that agape love – IT IS NOT BROKEN … like so many are on the inside
His love – that agape love – IT MEETS US WHERE WE ARE & cuts through our brokenness
His love – that agape love – IT IS AN ALL-ENCOMPASSING LOVE
His love – that agape love – IT SURROUNDS US

His love is without demand or condition
Knowing us fully – with all of our faults – HE STILL LOVES US COMPLETELY

That is some kind of love!!!

Praying Your Day is Blessed &
The Remainder of Your Weekend, Filled with Love

24 January 2019


Happy Thursday!!!

One step closer to the weekend & doubly blessed because … 

It was a good day!
And, I woke up with a sense of excitement … but not for the reason you might think
I love when my birthday rolls around because it means I am just a few short weeks away from my favorite holiday – VALENTINE’S DAY

OK – I know it is a little early to be thinking about Valentine’s Day and LOVE
BUT – It truly is my absolute favorite holiday!

I loved it as child – when I would go to the store with my mom and we would pick out cards to give to my classmates. I always wanted to give some candy or a lollipop with my cards. And even back then, I always wanted to make sure that I matched the right card to the right person.

When I managed a team – Valentine’s was always a big deal. Catered breakfast, decorations, candy, gifts for my staff and co-workers and, of course, games & prizes [one year the grand prize was a weekend getaway at upscale hotel at the oceanfront]!

As a parent – I would decorate the whole house with red heart balloons, buy special presents, select the tastiest candies and prepare a special dinner. AND I HAVE THREE SONS!!! But Valentine’s Day was always like another Christmas in my house. That part is not surprising since Christmas is about one of the greatest acts of love ever recorded. God so loved the world that He gave … He Gave His love, He Gave His best, He Gave His Son [Jn. 3:16]

I believe He not only loves to shower us with His love;
He loves for us to shower others with love as well

Now, some would say that you should do that all year – AND YOU SHOULD.
But, it is also good to seize extra opportunities to DEMONSTRATE LOVE EXTRAVAGANTLY 


Therefore, you will have to forgive me – but over the next few weeks I will be focusing on:

There is actually a fourth which we discuss as well: STORGE [FAMILY LOVE]

I’m not certain where this short posting series is going to end up … BUT I CAN’T WAIT!

Praying You Have a Blessed Evening & Happy Friday Tomorrow!

19 January 2019

Believe Him ...

Good Morning Friends!

I pray that your weekend is off to a peaceful, restful and enjoyable start. It is cloudy here in Virginia Beach with a forecast of rain this afternoon. However, the possibility of rain does not disappoint me. No – I believe what Scripture says, that ‘the spiritual is not first; the natural/physical comes first, and then the spiritual’ (I Cor. 15:46). And so I believe that there will be shower/outpouring of His wisdom into my spirit and a rain/flood of His Spirit into every situation which concerns me.

BELIEF is a powerful thing!

What we BELIEVE has a powerful impact, both positively and negatively
Maya Angelou is quoted as saying, ‘When someone shows you who they are, believe them.’ It is a powerful quote and one that has stayed with me from the first time that I heard it. To me, it speaks to a need to operate within the boundaries of reality.

Too often though, we ignore the obvious truth in exchange for a lie. I am not certain why this happens. Perhaps we have been conditioned, as part of the fallen nature of man to gravitate towards what is false. Perhaps we have just gotten too busy with life, technology and religious practice to be observant. Perhaps our lenses through which we view the world have been permanently tainted by our individual life experiences. Whatever the cause, it seems to happen quite frequently that we convince ourselves that what we see and have been told is not the truth – both positively and negatively.

There is a story of a woman in an unhealthy relationship. She is belittled, demeaned and abused – verbally, physically and emotionally. She is terrified and miserable. Yet, one day she escapes that prison. And after much time, another man enters her life, a gentle man. He respects and honors her; he protects her and encourages her. He does everything she ever dreamed that a God-sent man would do. But she does not believe what he says or what he does. Why? She still looks at life, and him, through the lens of hurt and disappointment. Rather than enjoying the reality of what is before her and the joy-filled vision of what could be, she embraces fear and uncertainty; she rejects him and chooses aloneness – while she keeps waiting for the future that she has dreamed of, the future that was standing right before her eyes and which just walked away from her presence because she said, ‘No thanks.’

Sounds a bit unbelievable – does it not?
Yet it is a reality for many women (and men) out there.
Sadly, it is also a reality for many Christians.
You see – we can be just like that woman I described.
Some of us have been so damaged by the past, by relationships, by hurtful words, by damaging actions and by ungodly voices; we have been so injured that we have a hard time seeing anything other than what we have previously experienced.

Although we have a Gentleman standing in our presence – telling us that He chose us (I Peter 2:9), that we are lovely (I Peter 2:1-5), that He will protect and defend to the death and that He has already (John 3:16) – we question that truth which is right before our eyes. At times, we elect to ignore it altogether.

As we read Luke 1:28-29, we gain some insight from reading the story of a young lady receiving a vision and revelation from the Lord. Mary, a young virgin, engaged to be married, was visited by a celestial being on assignment from the very throne room of heaven. The account reads, ‘And having come in, the angel said to her, “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!” But when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and considered what manner of greeting this was.’

It seems like a wonderful greeting to receive from an angel.
How many of us would love to hear an angel tell us that we are highly favored and that the Lord is with us? Yet she was troubled at his saying. And, he had not even revealed to her the total sum of God’s plan for her to carry the Messiah. He merely told her that she was highly favored, blessed and in the company of the Lord.

I am not sure what Mary’s life had been like up to that point.
I am not certain what your life has been like up to this point. I am, however, well-acquainted with what my life has been like up to this point. And if I am honest, there have been times when my response was just like Mary’s when God showed me what He had in store for me.

Yet, He responds to me just like the angel responded to Mary:
‘Do not be afraid … for you have found favor with God.’ (Lk. 1:30)

The same message is delivered to you today:
Do not be afraid, for you have found favor with God!

Since God has shown you who He is, BELIEVE HIM
When God shows you who you are and what He has for youBELIEVE HIM!

You see – if we are not careful, we can get caught in a cycle where, we look at the bad and try to convince ourselves that it is good. We look at the good and are convinced that it must be false. Or that if it is true, it could not possibly apply to our lives.

Often times – we are taken aback when we hear what God thinks of us because our self-view is not aligned with His God-view. It can be intimidating once we realize who God says we are because, once we know, we must rise to the call or walk in disobedience. A new revelation of who God says He is and who He says you are will always require action on your part.

You will have to push past fear, intellect and experience and BELIEVE.

You cannot let fear prevent you from journeying with God – whether it is fear of an unknown future or fear induced by a living knowledge of past disappointments. You must be intentional about drawing near to God, finding out who He is, finding out who He says you are and what His plans are – despite your fears or insecurities and without consideration of what it will cost you. No price is too great to walk with God.

God has proven His character. He has told you and shown you who He is. He has done the same thing for me. He is a good God (Num. 23:19), who has good plans for each of us (Jer. 29:11), who looks for opportunities to show Himself strong on our behalf (II Ch. 16:9), who is working all things together for our good (Rom. 8:28), who will do exceedingly and abundantly above all we could ask or think – if we will only let the power of His Holy Spirit work in us and through us (Eph. 3:20).

We can trust what He has revealed. And, when we do, we will experience God and all that He has for us. Further, we will hear others testify of our faith, just like Mary did when she went to visit her cousin Elizabeth: ‘Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord.’ Luke 1:45

Blessed are those who BELIEVE,
For there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told them from the Lord. Hallelujah!

I am praying for you …
Praying that you will experience God’s presence, like never before; praying that you will know Him; praying that you will believe Him; praying that you will experience all He has for you. I pray that you will have a blessed weekend! Sending much love your way ...


God Almighty who plants into our hearts His heavenly hopes and visions,
will not fail us when we press forward to possess them.

18 January 2019


Happy Friday!

I pray you have had a fantastic week. I do not know what you may have encountered this week. But, if you are reading this post – YOU MADE IT THROUGH! That is something to celebrate.

For me, this week has been an interesting one. It has been filled with tremendous challenges. Yet, it has also been flooded with insight and perspective. A couple of days ago, I reading from the book of Ephesians 3:20-21: Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

The Message Version says it this way – God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us. Ephesians 3:20 MSG

This verse captivated me primarily because it served as a confirmation of what I have been praying about this year – what has been impressed upon my heart. I have a deep and unrelenting desire to see THE POWER OF THE LORD throughout 2019.

I believe so many of God’s people are desiring to see His Power manifest in their lives
Truthfully, I believe there are many who are not yet His who also desire to see His Power

As I talked to a friend yesterday morning, I shared with her my confident & increasing expectations.
And as we talked, I told her: EITHER HE IS GOD OR IS NOT GOD

She seemed a little taken aback by that statement. However, I do not believe there is anything wrong with declaring who God is and expecting Him to do great things.


Having hope in God is great.
However, He said Himself that ‘hope deferred makes the heart sick’ Proverbs 13:12

YES – people can actually become depressed & discouraged WAITING to see what they have been hoping for.


IN FACT – Proverbs 13:12 goes on to state, ‘a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.’

Quite some time ago, I heard someone say, ‘Jesus is on the way’ –
And it left me with a compulsion to share the following with my online friends:
… ‘Jesus is on the way’ …
That is good encouragement, but bad theology.
If I am serving a God where I must wait for Him to arrive in my situation & circumstance,
I am serving the wrong God.
He is the one and only OMNI-PRESENT.
His Word states that HE GOES BEFORE ME and makes the crooked places straight.
            He is my EVER-PRESENT help in the time of trouble.
I am NEVER waiting for Him to arrive or to show up on the scene.
He is already where I am and everywhere I will be …
Working all things together for my good and His glory.
HE IS already here! HE IS already here! HE IS ALREADY HERE!


Praying that HIS KINGDOM ORDER order be manifest in your life and in the earth
Praying that HIS PRESENCE would be tangible to you –
Praying that HIS POWER would be manifest in every situation which concerns you.

Have a Blessed Day & Awesome Weekend!

13 January 2019

You're not yourself ...

Good Evening Friends!

Happy Sunday… what is left of it. Needless to say, my hope was to have this post completed and ready for publication before now. However, today has been a busy day. And, the weather is not helping. It has been raining all day and it is quite cold [to me anyway]. Don’t get me wrong … I am thankful that it is not snow. But it has been a dreary day just the same.

It has had me thinking about my MinPin who passed away last summer. He was such a good boy … but he hated days like this! I would try to coax him out of his blanket to get him to go outside and he would stubbornly refuse. If I would push too hard, he would actually start his low, slow growl – gently letting me know that I was getting on his nerves. His growls I could take. It was even a little laughable being that he was twelve inches tall and all of ten pounds. However, there were other times, like the time he got something stuck in his paw, that his animal instincts took over and he actually snipped at me. He would immediately feel bad after I would let out a yell letting him know his bite – however little – still packed a punch and it still hurt. His intention was not to hurt me. So what would make my sweet little dog act outside of his normal character?



But what does this have to do with us?
Yesterday I shared a post about being willing to stay in the fire until someone else can see Jesus.

Yet, what do you do when those you must stay in the flames for are the same who pushed you in [or stoked who the fire while you were going through]?

You take a moment to remind yourself that people are not themselves when they are broken or hurting. Remind yourself that pain can make people act in ways that might be completely contrary to your preference and completely contrary to their nature in normal circumstances. Take time to remember times when you have been hurt or broken; times when you have uttered a harsh or impatient word or acted in a manner outside your normal character.

You stick with the task at hand, follow the lead of the faithful individuals that walked before us and continue your trek through the flames until someone [or multiple some ones] are able to see Jesus for themselves, are able to receive salvation for themselves, are able to receive comfort for themselves, are able to walk in newness of life for themselves.

Remember – it is never solely about you.

This does not mean that you become a doormat for people – or that you subject yourself to repeated abusive treatment. You can continue to walk through the fire, forgive people and love them from a distance [if needed].

Job – he stayed the course that the LORD set him upon. He walked through his firestorm of trials and pain and suffering – and then he prayed for his friends and was reconciled to his siblings, neighbors and associates. [Job 42:10]

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego – they walked through literal flames long enough for their persecutors to see Jesus – and then they were promoted to a place of authority where they would be positioned to help some of those same people. [Daniel 3:19-30]

Understand that He has made us ministers of reconciliation. [2 Cor. 5:18-21]

Those who can be trusted with flame [a passion for the LORD & for the lost and the hurting] can likewise be trusted in the flames. However, your mission will promptly be aborted if you allow offense to take root, if you fail to understand that people are not themselves when they are broken, if you allow it to impact your commitment to the God-assignment on your life.

Understanding some of the ‘why’ which lays behind the ‘what’ [the reasons behind the actions of others] can go a long way in helping us to maintain focus and stay the course that the LORD has placed us on.

Again … a little perspective helps make any challenge a little more bearable.
Praying the rest of your evening is restful and that your week is purpose-filled.

Have a Blessed Evening!   

12 January 2019

Trusted ... in flames

Good Morning Friends!

Happy Saturday to you. It is quite frigid here in Virginia Beach, VA today.

However, it has created the perfect opportunity to sit quietly in the house with a comforting cup of coffee – a very large one. It was much needed after my day yesterday. And, while I will not go into detail, it got me thinking back to a post that I had written several years ago, ‘Trusted ... with the flame, in the flame

In that post, I shared a verse from Leviticus 6:12-13 ‘The fire on the altar must be kept burning; it must not go out. Every morning the priest is to add firewood and arrange the burnt offering on the fire and burn the fat of the fellowship offerings on it. The fire must be kept burning on the altar continuously; it must not go out

That verse speaks to a time when the priests had the responsibility of interceding on behalf of the people. In the post, I noted how we – as the people of God – now have an individual and personal responsibility to ensure that the flame [our passion, commitment and zeal] does not go out. It should not be extinguished. But, it is also not just about us individually.

‘Those who have demonstrated an ability to be trusted with the flame can likewise be trusted in the flames.’

This morning I started off reading the book of Job, verse 42:10
‘After Job prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before.’

Now – it has been long debated the reasons for all of the calamities which Job encountered [losing children, riches, favor, friends, wealth and health]. Although, God Himself declared – before granting the enemy permission to test him – declared, There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil."

So – why is there such debate over what happened to Job?

I believe, people would like to find fault with Job as some sort of justification for the intense suffering he endured. They find it hard to grasp that the LORD would permit such devastation to someone who was righteous. They would like to convince themselves that if they only avoid whatever it is that Job did, that the same catastrophes will not happen to them. Yet, what most people fail to realize is that, Job’s losses may have had less to do with him and more to do with his wife, his friends, his extended family and other individuals where he lived.

Job knew who he served and in whom he had placed his trust. He was like the individual who would not let the flame of his passion for the LORD to be extinguished. He proved he could be trusted with the flame – and therefore was trusted in the flames.

It was his friends who needed to have an encounter with the LORD. God Himself said of them, “My wrath is kindled against you and against your two friends, because you have not spoken of Me what is right as My servant Job has.” Job 42:7

His wife, siblings and neighbors likely experienced a benefit from his situation as well.

Because the LORD is always focused on drawing people to Himself, and because Job demonstrated faithfulness in being trusted with the flame, he was likewise trusted with the flames of trial. Yet even in these circumstances, he had a choice on whether to remain in the circumstance. His wife encouraged him to ‘curse God and die!’ [Job 2:9] How is that for encouragement?! Yet Job was unmoved.

Years ago – the LORD asked me this question:
‘Will you stay in the fire long enough for someone else to see Jesus?’

Job – he stayed in the fire, granting those around him the ability to see the LORD. And, we have no idea the full impact that he had within the sphere of influence that the LORD entrusted him with.
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego – they literally stayed in the fire long enough for others to see Jesus [Daniel 3:16-29]
Daniel – he stayed in the fire [also known as the lion’s den] long enough for others to know [to see] the God who saved him and kept him [Daniel 6:19-27]
Paul – he stayed in the fire of persecution, challenges and repeated imprisonments so that others could see Jesus [Acts 16:25-34; Acts 28:17-20, 30]

So, I ask you this…
§  Have you kept your flame for the LORD burning bright?
§  Have you demonstrated your ability to be trusted with the flame?
§  Are you using your flame [your passion & drive for the LORD] to be a service to others?
§  Can you be trusted in the flames?
§  Will you stay in the fire long enough for someone else to see Jesus?

I don’t know what your ‘fire’ is. However, it must be understood that you drawing near to God and having a passion for Him will never be the only requirement. It is a good start but never the end. One’s passion for God must overflow into collaboration with God – to reach a hurting world.

‘Those who have demonstrated an ability to be trusted with the flame can likewise be trusted in the flames.’

A little perspective helps make any challenge a little more bearable.

Praying the rest of your weekend is peace-full, purpose-driven, relaxing & rejuvenating.
