27 August 2018

Pay Attention ... Please!

I read a post today … a sad story about a pastor who took his life this past weekend. It is a tragic situation when all hope is lost – and I pray for his family and friends.

However, there is something that I have not been able to shake since I read the post. Further, I am not quite certain that I can even place my finger on the exact nature of my issue or unease.

For some reason, as I have read comments which call out for help for pastors … I cannot help but think about all of the people that are out there struggling. I cannot help but be somewhat troubled at the focus depression receives often only when it is a celebrity or a pastor.

I mean – what about the person at the grocery store? In the cubicle next to you? The one who lives across the street? The one who is down the hallway in your own house crying behind a closed door?
Inevitably, when a suicide occurs, people often say ‘we had no idea it was so bad’. But, I don’t believe that is always true … or even mostly true. [I know, poor grammar … but you get my point]
Generally, someone does not just wake up one day and decide they are going to take their own life. They cry out in a million ways before that happens if someone would take the time to notice. Too often we think, ‘they’ll pull themselves out of it’ or we think that someone else would be better at encouraging them since we don’t know what to say.

But, guess what? Often times you don’t need to say anything … you just need to listen.

One of my favorite movies of all time is The King and I … and there is a point where Mrs. Anna says, ‘Your Majesty … I don’t know what to say’. His response is classic, priceless and 100% on point …. “When one does not know what to say, it is a time to be silent”

Be silent … BUT NOT ABSENT!

And pay close attention to the people that you perceive as ‘strong’ … the person who is always encouraging someone else … the person who cheers everyone with their humor … those are sometimes the individuals who are self-medicating the most.

Ok – I’m stepping off of my soap box now ….

I’ve included a link to an old – yet appropriate post I shared many years ago. It is not short by any means - but it is worthwhile. Take a moment and check it out when you can: Think I'm Gonna Throw Up!

Praying that God will bless you …

#depressionisreal #suicideprevention #basichumanity #beyondself