02 June 2013

planted: thriving & flourishing ... anywhere

'They that are planted in the house of the LORD shall thrive and flourish …'


The actual verse, Psalm 92:13, states that 'they who are planted in the house of the LORD shall thrive and flourish in the courts [courtyard] of our God.'

Yet we know from Psalm 24:1, ‘The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it …’

It is a beautiful thing to know that, as children of the Most High God, we can thrive anywhere and everywhere – whether it is in the house of God, in our families, in the workplace, in our communities, or in government

We can thrive and flourish

Underneath the most difficult of circumstances – even those as hard as concrete – we have the ability to push through to the surface and experience not only the light of a new day, but the shining brightness of His glory constantly at work within our lives.

When we cannot see how or where He is working, He is giving us the strength to rise.

In seemingly impossible situations, He is still the God of all things possible.

Despite any adversity I may face – no matter how encasing or concealing – I have a living hope

As long as I remain rooted in Him, He supplies all I need to keep moving forward, to keep growing, to keep thriving. God is truly awesome!
Have a blessed day …

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