05 July 2021

Todo va a estar bien

Be Alright

Everything is going to be alright. 

This is the song that came on the radio and played as I drove to the hospital that dark and rainy morning. 

It was three weeks ago …

At about 1AM there was a ring of of bell and a knock on our door

My youngest son had been injured 

As he was walking across the street, he was plowed down by a truck being operated by a drunk driver. They advised that he had been taken to a hospital clear across town. 

I immediately rushed out the door 

And as I drove that dark and rainy morning… a song played on the radio 

‘Be Alright  … Todo va a estar bien’

I always keep my car stationed tuned to K-Love and their tag-lines are:

‘Positive & Encouraging’ & ‘Right Song, Right Time’

Both were true that morning

There could not have been a better song that morning … and I do not believe in coincidences

God knew exactly what I needed in that moment -

  • Reassurance that He was present and still in control 
  • A confident and comforting declaration that everything would indeed be alright

He is such a loving and faithful God!

I have a reminder that pops up on my phone at 8AM every morning:

Well, that morning was different.

The verse was still true … with God all things are possible

His Word never changes or fails

But the alert was different  

It started popping up on my phone when I got to the hospital about 1:30AM and did not stop until my son was out of surgery about 10:30 that morning.

God never said we would walk through this life without issues

In fact He said we would have trouble in this world

“I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

But He also promised us that He would never leave us and assures us that He has overcome it all. 

I am so thankful that He spared my son’s life and that He is right beside him & inside him … helping him to recover.

I am also thankful for all the prayers and support my son has received - whether it be people calling to check on him, giving to his GoFundMe page, coming by to visit and most importantly praying for him.

After one very long surgery, four blood transfusions, multiple rods/pins and almost two weeks in the hospital, my son is on tough road to recovery but SO VERY BLESSED! 

Faithful God

I don’t know what you’re facing today

But I know the God who is attentive to everything that concerns you

He is a faithful and loving Father 

And, He is working all things together for your good

Everything will be Alright … Todo va a estar bien!


  1. Be Alright - Evan Craft, Redimi2, Danny Gokey
