13 March 2012

the power of holiness

I haven't written in a while ...
Sometimes you just have to pause on 'holy'

There is something that happens in His presence, as we worship.

Understand, we do not move in and out of His presence
For He is Omnipresent ... everywhere, all the time

'If I ascend into heaven, You are there.
If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there.'
Psalm 139:8

No, it is my consciousness of His presence that becomes the variable which must be moderated. And as I worship Him, truly worship Him, everything else fades to black.

In those moments of pure worship, His beauty is the only thing which is evident, the only thing which is real and that truly matters.

In that moment, dreams and passions are re-ignited

It is a moment where painful hurts are sometimes unearthed, but where the overwhelming power of His presence makes them of absoultely no consequence as you realize how vast He is and how small the issues of life truly are in comparison.

In that moment, His love is tangible and all consuming.

In that moment, there is a sudden understanding of the concept of peace which passes understanding. It transcends a head knowledge and becomes reality.

In that moment strength is renewed...

In that moment, there is resurrection power and life ...
There exists in that moment, a place for hope to take up residence and to blossom.

My aim is to live, consistently and continually, in that place of surrender...

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