19 March 2012

God will hear ...

In all the years that I have been saved, I have heard many references to the story of Abraham - specifically his first son Ishmael.

Now, many often note the tale of Ishmael as a terrible, humanistic approach of Sarah (and Abraham) to rush the plan of God - an awful misstep which still bears consequences today. However, that is not my focus for today. My thoughts this evening gravitated toward Ishmael 'the person' and not Ishmael 'the mistake'. For it is God who is the giver of life. Despite the sin-ridden circumstances under which he came into the world, he came into being by the perfect design of the Lord God Almighty.

When his mom (Hagar, the egyptian servant) ran away [in an act of disobedience and rebellion], she had a heavenly encounter where she was given a name for the child she carried. 'Then the Angel of the LORD said to her, "I will multiply your descendants exceedingly, so that they shall not be counted for multitude." And the Angel of the LORD said to her, "Behold, you are with child, and you shall bear a son. you shall call his name Ishmael, because the LORD has heard your affliction."' (Gen. 16:10-11) 

Ishmael -
God will hearken, God will hear

Years later, his name would reveal added signifance which would aid Hagar (and all who would read her story) in understanding the faithfulness of God.

Sent away with her son, without even enough resources for the journey, Hagar found herself in tremendous need, uncertain of how she would care for the needs of her son. In fact, she had given up all hope and set him under a tree to die when the Angel of the LORD paid her another visit: "What ails you Hagar? Fear not, for God has heard the voice of the lad where he is."

The LORD heard ...

Yet it was not Hagar's cries which caught His attention - although she did cry out (Gen. 21:16). He heard the voice of Ishmael.

In an act which reinforces His total Omniscience, we come to understand that God knew there would be a day of tremendous need, a day where Ishmael and his mom would cry out, a day when He would hear and respond to the voice of Ishmael. He knew it from the moment that He gave Hagar the name for her son: 'Ishmael, God will hear'. Then He reiterated the promise that He had made all those years ago: "Arise, lift up the lad and hold him with your hand, for I will make him a great nation." (Gen. 21:18)

God heard Ishmael and named him accordingly, long before he ever cried out that day.

'It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear.' Isaiah 65:24

As a single (divorced) mother of three sons, I am sensitive to Hagar and Ishmael's plight. And it is an encouragement to my soul that the same unchanging God who looked over and made provision for a single mom and her son (all those thousands of years ago) still makes provision today. He still has a heart for the single mother doing her best to raise her children and to provide for their needs. He is still touched and moved by the unique challenges that face the fatherless. He makes it His business to be actively involved and takes personal accountability for their welfare.

Therefore, I shall maintain my trust in the LORD who has seen and made provision for everything that has happened (and will happen) in my life.

Praise God for His unending faithfulness...

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