27 November 2018

Most Wonderful Time ... ?

Happy Tuesday...

I pray your week is off to a great start. I thoroughly enjoyed my four-day weekend and even started decorating the house for Christmas. It was so enjoyable, I didn't even mind being back in the office yesterday. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year!

The songs are light and cheerful, people seem a little nicer. I mean, what other time of year do you find individuals buying gifts for people they don’t even like?!

There is the smell of pine [which I absolutely love!], the soft glow of the fireplace, the twinkling of the Christmas lights, the holiday gatherings and, of course, cookies and every delicious dessert to satisfy your pallet.

It seems for a few weeks that the earth is just a tad bit ‘kinder’

Yet, I am not naïve enough to presume that it is the most wonderful time of the year for all. No – for some – it is the most challenging time of the year.
§  The most stressful time of the year
§  The most isolated and lonely time of the year
§  The most frustrating time of the year
§  The most tearful time of the year
§  The most un-wonderful time of the year

Whether it is the financial pressures of all the gift giving of the season; the discomfort of forced gatherings with individuals where relationships are strained due to emotional distance or the disappointment of not being able to attend a family gathering due to geographical distance and travel challenges … the season can lose some of its wonder.

Perhaps it is someone’s first Christmas without that dear loved one. Perhaps it someone’s 2nd or 3rd or 5th Christmas without that dear loved one – but the sting of sadness is every bit as painful as the first time.

Whatever the situation – understand this:
For some of our dear friends, family [and even strangers], there are just as many circumstances which can make this the worst time of year as there are joy-filled moments which can make it the most wonderful time of the year for others.

Therefore – I would like to make a special request of my friends hear at our Revive blog. Please do me this favor:

Pray that God would open your eyes;
To make you perceptive to the needs of those around you.

Pray that God would tenderize your heart;
To be compassionate regarding the plight of others

And then – be intentional about partnering with Him to be part of the solution

The amazing thing is that it is the little things that can go so far in touching someone’s heart this holiday season:
§  Send a text message to check-in
§  Pray for someone other than yourself … that does not cost anything, but time
§  Send a greeting card to let someone know you were especially thinking of them
§  Take time out to be available for someone who needs a listening ear; be that shoulder they can lean upon or those arms of fellowship, offering a much needed hug

Now, that last one is a stretch for me. You see, I am not one of those ‘touching/feeling’ types. I do not like to touch people and I really do not care for people to touch me. It is an area I have been working on for years.

However, I can tell you first hand the power of a hug. I recall a woman whose husband had recently passed away. We were at a Bible Study at someone's home but I did not know her. I had never seen her before and have never seen her since that day. However, on that particular evening, I felt a gentle nudge from the Holy Spirit saying ‘She needs a hug ... give her a hug’. Oddly enough, in that instant, her need transcended my comfort levels. So I asked if I could give her a hug. She said yes – and when I went to hug this newly-widowed woman, I knew I was exactly where God wanted me to be in that moment, doing exactly what He desired for me to do. About a week later, someone told me that lady was inquiring about me. She wanted to know who that woman was who had hugged her; she said it felt as if God Himself was giving her a hug and letting her know that He cared about her pain.

You never know the difference that you can make in someone’s life!
You may be the answer to the prayer that they have been whispering alone each night

Together – we can have a tremendous impact in our individual spheres of influence to bring some joy to others during this Christmas season. Let's all do our part in making this the most wonderful time of year for as many as possible.

Praying You Have a Blessed Day & Most Wonderful Week!

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. II Corinthians 1:3-4

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