24 August 2011

JOURNEY 201¦1 ‘earth angels’

‘… and behold, angels came and ministered unto Him.’  Matthew 4:11

This verse tells of what happened as Jesus’ trial in the wilderness came to an end. How wonderful that the Father would send angelic hosts to tend to His needs, at the precise moment that He needed it. Just as wondrous is the fact that God still does this today. But, they are often not in the form of celestial beings. They can best be described as ‘earth angels’ on assignment.

Understand that there are people who the LORD has strategically placed in our path - to assist, to offer a genuine smile, to share a kind word, to encourage. Yet we must have eyes open to see and hearts to receive.

In the past week, I have met two such people. They are absolute precious gems and I know that it is no mistake, no simple act of coincidence that I have had the opportunity to get to know both of them. The name of one means ‘rich guard or wealth protector’ and the other, their name means ‘fair and good’. 

Long ago, names had a very significant meaning and would tell you about the character of the individual. Yet I find, with some, that the same holds true for today. You see, ‘wealth protector’ is full of godly wisdom and ‘fair and good’, well she is simply and genuinely a very kind person. They are people who speak of God’s goodness and who spoke to some very unique issues that I have been grappling with, alone in prayer with God.

I know they were on assignment from the LORD. And, I could feel faith rise during conversations with each of them. My spirit has truly been encouraged and I just find myself thanking God for His faithfulness all over again. He knows exactly what we need in this journey and when we need it, and He has already made provision.

Behold, angels came and ministered unto me, earth angels. And your unique angels stand ready to minister unto you. Just pray that God will open your eyes to recognize them and your heart to receive the ministering aid that they offer.

Have a Very Blessed Week!

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