27 February 2020

worth the wait ...

Hello Friends!

I pray you had a fantastic day –
But, if you did not … relax, it is almost the weekend!
And some things are worth the wait

Ecclesiastes 3:1 states,
‘To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven’

I thought about this verse earlier this week
When I had the wonderful occasion
to meet and converse with a ‘vintaged’ gentleman named Cliff
That is not an insult; after all, he is probably only twenty years older than me

He started out talking about this area – how he’d spent most of his life in this region;
Five years in the military and five in the Midwest, and then he returned to Virginia.
He went on to tell me how was wife was from up north;
And he started sharing some of things he loves about her
You could hear the honor in his voice as he talked

So I asked, ‘How long have you been married?’
Based upon our conversation up to that point,
                I expected him to say forty or fifty years –
He responded proudly, ‘We’ve been married for ten years ..
but we’ve been together for 30!
He was not a bit surprised at the look on my face –
begging for an explanation without saying a word

He went on to tell me that they dated for twenty years
He said, ‘I can’t say fully why we waited so long;
but, once you get in your fifties you start thinking’
‘Truthfully’, he said, ‘if we got married way back then,
I don’t know that we would still be together.’
‘We have both matured and grown over years’

Then he told me how it was still an adjustment when they got married
He had his town home and she had her house,
They had to adjust to living together once they got married
He told me how she loves to cook and he hates cooking:
‘So, she cooks and I eat … and clean’. ‘But even that was an adjustment’, he said.
‘When you’ve each lived alone for so long, you get used to doing things a certain way.’
“For us it was the dishwasher. She said it wasn’t a big deal. But, I told her, ‘I want to do it the way you like it though’ … so I adjusted.”

It was just one of the most precious conversations!
He told me how much she has helped him grow as a person over their thirty years together.
‘She has introduced me to art and dining, to travel and leisure activities. When I used to meet people, all I would talk about was my work. Now I have so many things to discuss. She is a gem!’

I absolutely loved it!!!
I am still smiling thinking back on parts of that conversation.
You could hear how much he loved and appreciated her …
So beautiful!

He told me when they sent out the ‘Save the Date’ invitations for their wedding, they wrote:
Some will way we’re late,
But we’ve finally set the date…
Some things are worth the wait!


Just think about those who have had exercise great patience in waiting for their promise –
Sarah waited 90-years before being blessed with Isaac; Abraham was 100!
Elizabeth and Zechariah spent many years in waiting before John the Baptist came
Jesus walked this earth thirty years for a three-year earthly ministry
                But, oh what a ministry!

So my dear friend –
Do not lose heart if things are not moving at the pace you would like, 
Do not lose courage, do not become discouraged – 
It will happen right when it needs to.

God is preparing you for what He has prepared for you –
Trust me, it will be worth the wait!

Have a Blessed Evening!

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